
Stress is a Sudden Biological Change. It has become the curse of 21st century and is silent killer in the modem world. Stress is the greatest danger to the information era. Stress is the priceless poison for human life in the universe. It can disturb any one's physical, mental, emotional and behavioral balance. Stress can damage different parts of human body from muscles from tissues to organs and blood vessels. It can speed up pulse rate and respiration. It can raise blood pressure and body temperature. It can also interfere with the body metabolism, digestion, appetite, sleep, sexuality and even fertility.Journalists' and Media persons professional work routines often place them in disturbing and /or dangerous situations where they must confront their own vulnerability and especially in the case of war correspondents and news photographers their own mortality. Inevitably they must deal with the psychological impact of the grieving and sometimes even the shock and disorientation of the human subjects of their stories. Ironically, journalists in such situations are often the ones ignored in terms of the emotional impact of what they are witnessing. How do journalists cope in the face of profound human tragedy and personal risk? Drawing on Sigmund Freud's conceptual model concerning the nature and working of the human mental apparatus, and subsequent major contributions by others who elaborated on and expanded the understanding of ego functions, this essay examines successful journalists' mental activities that aid them in coping with stress in the course of their work. The seasoned journalists interviewed offer introspective accounts of their professional experiences, revealing the broad range of conscious choices they make in their work which allow them to function at a high level in maximally challenging situations.What are the causes of Media Persons stress ?* Excessively high workloads, with unrealistic deadlines making people feel rushed, under pressure and overwhelmed.* Insufficient workloads, making people feel that their skills are being underused.* A lack of control over work activities.* 24 hours Job (No Time Job)* A lack of interpersonal support or poor working relationships leading to a sense of isolation.* People being asked to do a job for which they have insufficient experience or training.* Difficulty settling into a new promotion, both in terms of meeting the new role's requirements and adapting to possible changes in relationships with colleagues.* Concerns about job security, lack of career opportunities, or level of pay.* A blame culture within your Duites where people are afraid to get things wrong orto admit to making mistakes.* Weak or ineffective management which leaves employees feeling they don't have a sense of direction, or over-management, which can leave employees feeling undervalued and affect their selfesteem.* Multiple reporting lines for employees, with each manager asking for their work to be prioritized.* Failure to keep employees informed about significant changes to thejob, causing them uncertainty about their future.* A poor physical working environment, eg excessive heat, cold or noise, inadequate lighting, uncomfortable seating, malfunctioning equipment, etc* Individuals suffering from stress often display a range of signs that may be noticed by colleagues and other managers.* Major life changes* Relationship difficulties* Political Presure* Financial problems* Being too busy less attachment of Children and family* Changes to duties.* Tight deadlines.* Haras sments* Changes within the organization* Insufficient skills for thejob* Poor relationships with bosses or colleagues* Discrimination* Long hours* Poor knowledge of Technology* Personal or Family Problems* LOW Salaries,Financial Struggles* Suffering fro maintain Family RelationsThese signs include:* Tiredness and irritability* Reduced quality of work* Indecisiveness and poor judgment* Loss of sense of humour* Physical illness such as headaches, nausea, aches and pains* Seeming jumpy or ill-at-ease, or admitting to sleeping badly* Increased sick leave* Poor timekeeping* Changes in working day patterns - perhaps by staying late or taking work homeYou should also look for signs of more widespread problems among groups of employees, for example:* Arguments and disputes between staff* General absenteeism* An increase in grievances and complaints* Greater staff tumo verHow does stress affect you? …

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