
This study compares the rights of Juveniles under Palestinian law to those under international treaties. In the Palestinian Children Act, No. 7 of 2004, and Act No. 4 of 2016 on the protection of the juvenile, both of which are compliant with international treaties on children, the Palestinian legislator addresses the rights of children and youth at various levels of criminal proceedings. Additionally, the study demonstrates how Islam, which has a profoundly thorough concern for every aspect of children’s life, upholds the rights of children. At both the international and national levels, the topic of children's rights is of tremendous importance. One of the main goals the State now strives to achieve is the safeguarding of fundamental rights. The children’s rights go beyond the fundamental protections provided by numerous statutes and laws but also encompass protections and rights at every stage of the criminal justice system to ensure juveniles are treated fairly and with the greatest possible regard.Given that this group may be marginalized in society, which may not draw the notice or sympathy of public opinion or the government, it is feasible that their rights may be violated without attracting considerable attention.Among the most egregious breaches perpetrated against Palestinian children are the continual atrocities committed by Israeli occupation forces in the Palestinian territories, which violate all child-protection legislation and agreements, as well as the provisions of international humanitarian law, which provide two types of protection for children: general protection for not participating in hostilities, and particular protection for children who are victims of war crimes.As a result, civil society organizations play an important role in defending and protecting children, as well as monitoring the laws that safeguard them. Keywords: Juvenile Rights, Palestınıan Laws, International Conventions

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