
The need for punishment of juveniles occurred from the time when there was no clear line separating them from the adult criminal population. At the same time, the evolution of the juvenile punishment is not in itself involve substantial changes to their criminal status. On the contrary, the status of minors in society did not show serious differences regarding the status of young adults, as well as the adult elderly. On the other hand, on the ground of their punishment is recorded deviations that go in the direction of application of mild corporal punishment. Closing the minor was performed in a physically separate parts of the general penal institutions with the use of a lower degree of restrictions while serving juvenile prison. Due to the different treatment of minors during the evolution of their criminal status leads to their different treatment in comparative law. That is why we are witnessing the existence of numerous differences in the juvenile punishment in some countries in the world. On the European continent there is a wide range of different legal solutions when it comes to punishing juveniles. There are considerable differences in the procedure pronouncing juvenile prison and in particular penal treatment of juveniles in penitentiary institutions. For these reasons, the author has decided to show the basic statutory provisions in the part that relates to the issue of punishment of minors in the legislation of individual countries.


  • CanadaCanada is a country where the legal scene is a specific combination of two legal systems: the Anglo-Saxon and European-continental

  • If in the time specified by the court a minor which is reserved to the imposition of the punishment of juvenile custody commits a new criminal offense

  • The punishment of juvenile represents the ultimate means of applying re-social active treatment affects their re-education and training for life in freedom

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The law on the prosecution of minors expands range of penalties that may be imposed on minors. The juvenile offender is older than 16 years is subject to the general regime of punishment and execution of the sentence that applies to adults so that, in the above case, the victim is a minor ceases to be a mitigating circumstance. Juvenile imprisonment is possible and subsequently imposed in two cases: If in the time specified by the court (probation period) a minor which is reserved to the imposition of the punishment of juvenile custody commits a new criminal offense, If you oppose the execution of the pronounced measure or without justifiable reasons will not serve the protective measure imposed it by the subject to the imposition of juvenile detention. At the same time, followed the progress of the convicts and the possibilities of its possible release on parole

Republic Serbia
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