
No doubt, wellbeing, progress and prosperity of human being (rather whole creatures) depend on everyone's rights conferring. In all the religions Islam bears a unique status in which rights conferring is so much stressed that it is declared the base of worships and prayers acceptation, rather beside it, it is also ordered that all rights should be conferred in beautiful and magnificent way which will make us beloved of Almighty Allah. Remember, in "The Rights" all rights of everyone are included whether rights of Almighty Allah or rights of creatures and in conferring everyone's right, beauty and fascination will be according to its nature and temperament. For example, worship of Almighty Allah should be done in such a way that you are seeing Almighty Allah. If this condition does not produce, at least this feeling should prevail that Almighty Allah is seeing you. So, for this purpose Almighty Allah has introduced the term Justice and Kindness. Thus, verse of Justice and Kindness is mostly recited on speeches of glorious Jumma.This research is determined to develop understanding of Islam among Muslims which is decreasing due to materialism and this research is based on descriptive approach. In short, this article has two significant aims i.e. directing the Muslims to confer rights gracefully and preferably and to bring the glorious image of Islam above the board. 1-Directing the Muslims to confer rights gracefully and preferably. 2- To bring the glorious image of Islam above the board.

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