
ABSTRACT How do we make agricultural practice more sustainable? One way to examine the drivers and barriers to change within agriculture is through the sustainability transitions framework. However, this approach has been criticised for not adequately engaging with the lessons of food justice. To correct this deficiency, we suggest the concept, “just transitions.” Our argument deploys a structural-constructivist perspective to hone in on the lived experiences of organic and conventional wheat farmers, especially their challenges and opportunities in transitioning to organic wheat production. The findings reflect tensions, contradictions, and opportunities in environmental ethics, policies, infrastructure, and socio-economic perspectives and positions. Examining structural level proposals, such as the Green New Deal and the Good Food Purchasing Program, our findings suggest more work needs to be done to adequately include rural farmer perspectives, particularly when it comes to the construction of what “good” farming looks and feels like. Specifically, by not including the lived experiences of farmers into these transitions, policymakers and other advocates may struggle to integrate plans that adequately reflect 1) varying regional biophysical characteristics, farmer practices, and sustainability goals; 2) interactions that contribute to tradeoffs within and between both policies and advocacy; 3) the infrastructural path-dependency of farm operations; 4) and the economic and social beliefs, norms, and values which shape what “good” farming looks and feels like. Until this accomplished, it will be hard to envision a transition considered “just” by all stakeholders.

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