
Objective: Juridical analysis of defaults committed by one of the parties in the Deed of Sale and Purchase Agreement (PPJB) regarding Land Rights. Default is a crucial issue in property transactions, affecting the validity and implementation of contracts. The focus of this research is to identify, analyze and evaluate juridical aspects related to default in the context of PPJB land rights. Method: This research method involves analysis of applicable legal norms, related court decisions, and literature reviews. In this analysis, various forms of default will be discussed, their legal implications, and efforts to resolve them. Apart from that, this article also considers the role of the Sales and Purchase Agreement Management (PPJB) and related parties in preventing and dealing with default. Results: It is hoped that the results of this research can provide guidance for property business people, legal practitioners and researchers to understand the dynamics of default in the context of PPJB land rights. The conclusions of this analysis will illustrate the impact of default on contract integrity and highlight legal strategies that can be taken to handle cases of default in property transactions.

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