
High Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) is the way of thinking which should have been mastered by students everywhere early for their life skills. This HOTs skill has been internationally assessed since 2000 every three years attended by all OECD members includes Indonesia through Program International for Student Assessment (PISA). Result of PISA of Indonesian students from 2000 until 2018 still have achieved at level 1a of highest level 6 as national average. Considering geographical area located from West to East, it is very important to map students literacy in each area as base-line of creating integrated effort for Junior High School to increase student’s literacy. This descriptive study aims to promote the profile of Junior High School Literacy. About 40 of 9-grade students and two science teachers involved in this study as research subject. Data were obtained through participative observation, test and video typing for classroom activity during two months on the topic of heredity and electricity. Data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively as well. Result showed that students literacy still in low category based on national competence assessment. However there is increase of learning outcome proven by pretest (24.46), post test (33.46), and second post test (59.82). Looking into class level in detail based on daily assessment on the topic of electricity and heredity percentage of students literacy can be categorized as scientific comprehension (57%), higher than partial comprehension (19%) and naïve or wrong comprehension (24%). Student scientific comprehension promoted close to PISA literacy competencies includes explaining phenomena scientifically, evaluating and designing scientific enquiry, interpreting data and evidence scientifically. The study imply the important of keep improving daily science classroom activity which promote students higher order thinking skills in order to achieve better scientific literacy.

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