
Here are provided all Julia functions (v 0.3.9) necessary to run the model presented in Riotte-Lambert, L., Benhamou, S., Bonenfant, C. and S. Chamaille-Jammes. 2017. Spatial memory shapes density dependence in population dynamics . Proceedings of the Royal Society B 20171411 . http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2017.1411 Open exampleRun.jl to run the model with default parameters. All details on the inputs and outputs of the functions are given as comments in the Julia scripts. Quick description (see the article for more details) To understand the extent to which memory-based foraging movements may affect density-dependent population dynamics through its impact on competition, we developed a spatially-explicit, individual-based movement model where reproduction and death are functions of foraging efficiency.

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