
Experimental manipulation of population density has frequently been used to demonstrate demographic density dependence. However, such studies are usually small scale and typically provide evidence of spatial (within-generation) density dependence. It is often unclear whether small-scale, experimental tests of spatial density dependence will accurately describe temporal (between-generation) density dependence required for population regulation. Understanding the mechanisms generating density dependence may provide a link between spatial experiments and temporal regulation of populations. In this study, I manipulated the density of recently settled kelp rockfish (Sebastes atrovirens) in both the presence and absence of predators to test for density-dependent mortality and whether predation was the mechanism responsible. I also examined mortality of rockfish cohorts within kelp beds throughout central California to evaluate temporal (between-generation) density dependence in mortality. Experiments suggested that short-term behavioral responses of predators and/or a shortage of prey refuges caused spatial density dependence. Temporal density dependence in mortality was also detected at larger spatial scales for several species of rockfish. It is likely that short-term responses of predators generated both spatial and temporal density dependence in mortality. Spatial experiments that describe the causal mechanisms generating density dependence may therefore be valuable in describing temporal density dependence and population regulation.

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