
The article considers the issue of judicial practice in the context of ways of institutionalization of law.The methodological basis of the study is an institutional approach to defining the essence of positive law. Law,as a special social institution, must be considered as a unity of value-normative principles (ideas, principles,legal norms) and sustainable forms of social communication in the field of legal regulation, includingorganizations and institutions. It is substantiated that the sign of the formal certainty of law is manifestednot only in the presence of official ways of fixing and expressing legal norms, but also in the activitiesof state bodies (including judicial ones) that implement the application of legal norms and their officialinterpretation. Proceeding from this, two forms of institutionalization of positive law are distinguished —normative and organizational, and the spheres, relatively speaking, of “regulatory law” and “judiciallaw”. This division is based on the cognitively and practically valuable interpretation of S.S. Alekseev thedifference between normative and individual legal regulation. It is concluded that in the mechanism of legalregulation, each source of law implements the corresponding function, which implies the recognition ofpluralism (diversity) of sources of law.

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