
Allocation of unified system-forming criteria for classification (generalization) of objects of criminallaw protection of economic activity (Chapter 22 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Usingthe methods of cognition: comparative analysis, dialectical, sociological, the author of the study coming to conclusions: 1) the current system of objects of criminal law protection is represented by extremely diversesocial relations, which should not infrequently be fixed in other chapters and sections of the criminallaw; 2) despite the variety of objects, it is possible to identify common grounds for combining all criminalencroachments into a common system, in this case it is necessary to take as a basis separate elements of socialrelations: the subject, the subject or the content. The author comes to the conclusion that harm is caused tothe subject of public relations in all cases, respectively, when determining the system of objects, it is necessaryto establish which element — the subject or content is the most significant for society, and accordingly, acriminal law protection regime is introduced in relation to it. The author of the scientific work proposes toestablish the “priority of protection” in relation to the most significant element of public relations. Such anapproach will allow us to achieve several independent, significant goals: to systematize the total volumeof objects of criminal legal protection, to identify criminal encroachments that are not related to economiccrimes, to develop unified legal and technical rules and models for formulating the disposition of criminallaw norms. The work is theoretical in nature and is aimed at developing a fundamental model for reformingthe criminal legislation of the Russian Federation on responsibility for crimes in the sphere of economicactivity, both within the framework of the current Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and in the caseof the development and adoption of a new criminal law

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