
The presented article continues a number of author's researches devoted to the history of domestic periodicals. The prepared publication raises the issue of periodicals published in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in the first years after the end of the Second World War. The subject of the study was the regional socio-political and literary-artistic magazine "Soviet Lviv", which was published for six years — from 1945 to 1951. The magazine of the Lviv branch of the Union of Soviet Writers of Ukraine became a worthy continuation of the pre-war editions of the western Ukrainian region, namely: the Galician magazine "Literature and Art" (edited by Oleksa Desnyak) and the almanac "Soviet Bukovyna" (edited by O. Kobylyanska). The publication of "Soviet Lviv" coincided with the appearance of the magazine "Soviet Transcarpathia". In general, these publications played an important ideological role — the latter were an effective mechanism for the Sovietization of the western Ukrainian lands annexed to the USSR. According to their functional purpose, magazines became a powerful tool of communist propaganda and agitation. So, it is not surprising that the editorial board of the magazine "Soviet Lviv" included not only the leaders of the local party authorities (in particular, the secretary of the Lviv regional committee of the CP(b)U for propaganda and agitation I. Mazepa), but also representatives of the highest circles of ideologically motivated Ukrainian writers (somehow, one of the co-authors of the National Anthem of the USSR "Long live Ukraine, beautiful and strong" M. Bazhan). At the same time, against the background of propaganda, the magazine quite persistently promoted publications of Ukrainian studies, including scientific ones, which was certainly facilitated by the presence in the editorial board of the famous Ukrainian Soviet literary critic, Academician of the USSR M. Vozniak. Based on the content analysis, the author came to the conclusion that the magazine "Soviet Lviv" was one of the centers of republican French studies and a platform for the popularization of the best examples of Ukrainian literary classics.

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