
In consideration of the thematic analysis of publications in the pedagogical journal «Novymy stezhkamy», the problems of educational and sociocultural nature are highlighted in the context of the regional specificities of the Poltava region. It has been established that the issues that are reviewed in the journal are common with the pedagogical publications during the period under study, while they are determined by the public need to display significant events interpreted in line with the ideological influence of the political system. Special attention is given to identifying ethnographic, local lore elements in the tuition of regional history and mathematic subjects. It was noted that the educational system of Ukraine during the studied period was based on social education, in particular work with abandoned children, their protection and guardianship. It was proven that the residential institutions became the basis for such support. The promotion of the revolution ideas determined the basis of the educational process in these institutions, the holding of social and political holidays, in consideration of the age characteristics of children, and the anti-religious characteristic of educational activities. The interrelation between the teaching regional history and the level of formation of students’ materialistic worldview is revealed. The priority of teaching these subjects for scientifically based anti-religious promotion has been determined. The regional periodicals had important role in the matter of promptly familiarizing the general pedagogical community with the problems of social and educational subjects.

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