The need for manual and detailed annotations limits the applicability of supervised deep learning algorithms in medical image analyses, specifically in the field of pathology. Semi-supervised learning (SSL) provides an effective way for leveraging unlabeled data to relieve the heavy reliance on the amount of labeled samples when training a model. Although SSL has shown good performance, the performance of recent state-of-the-art SSL methods on pathology images is still under study. The problem for selecting the most optimal data to label for SSL is not fully explored. To tackle this challenge, we propose a semi-supervised active learning framework with a region-based selection criterion. This framework iteratively selects regions for annotation query to quickly expand the diversity and volume of the labeled set. We evaluate our framework on a grey-matter/white-matter segmentation problem using gigapixel pathology images from autopsied human brain tissues. With only 0.1% regions labeled, our proposed algorithm can reach a competitive IoU score compared to fully-supervised learning and outperform the current state-of-the-art SSL by more than 10% of IoU score and DICE coefficient.
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