
This is the most comprehensive account yet of the life of John Philpot, archdeacon of Winchester cathedral and martyr, burned at the stake in 1555. Included is an outline of his trial from which it is shown that he was promised the position of archdeacon by the ultra conservative bishop of Winchester, Stephen Gardiner. Evidence is also provided from the trial and from his family, contrary to the opinion of Muriel St. Clare Byrne, that he was not related to Clement Philpot who was executed in 1540. A transcript translation of his father's will is provided giving a good indication of his family circumstances. This will was drawn up in 1540 at a pivotal point in English law when, in order to overcome the default position of inheritance through primogeniture, the rules of will writing were altered. This will was written to abide by the rules that existed before the new Statute of Wills was passed by Parliament, and, also, to abide by the new rules set out in the Statute. From this will and other evidence a new genealogy of the Philpot family down to the 1650s is provided. The authenticity of the so-called portrait of John Philpot held at Winchester cathedral is also discussed.

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