
The job shop scheduling problems (JSSPs) is a significant decision point in a production scheduling problem for those who are concerned with the fields of industry, economics in addition to management. This kind of problem is a class of combinational optimization problem which is known as the NP-hard problem. JSSPs deal amid a set of machines and a set of jobs with a variety of predetermined routes through the machines, where the objective is to assemble a schedule of jobs that diminishes the certain criterion such as make span, total weighted completion time, maximum lateness, and total weighted tardiness. Over the precedent several decades, curiosity in meta-heuristic approaches, advancement of heuristic approaches, to address JSSPs has augmented due to the knack of these approaches to breed feasible resolutions which are superior to those breezed from heuristics algorithms independently. This article presents the classification, constraints and objective functions requisite on JSSPs that are accessible in the literature review.

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