
Objectives. The aim of this study was to investigate a series of possible predictors for the work engagement of Romanian healthcare workers. Materials and methods. A sample consisting of 222 Romanian healthcare employees from a hospital completed a questionnaire measuring work engagement, six job resources (autonomy and control; supervision, recognition, and feedback; training, professional development, and continuing education; staffing and time; technology; social support), and two personal resources (self-efficacy and optimism). Outcomes. Training, professional development, and continuing education were the job resources that correlated most strongly with work engagement. However, of all study variables, optimism, a personal resource, correlated most strongly with work engagement. All job resources and personal resources included in the study explained 31% of the variance of work engagement. Conclusions. According to the research results, it is possible for specialists in the field of work psychology to increase the level of healthcare employees’ work engagement by increasing their job and personal resources.

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