
This study describes how the concept of personal branding content creator Jenda Munthe is constructed through the #tanyajawabJenda content on his Instagram account. The results of this study will provide an understanding of the construction of personal branding in Instagram social media content, through case studies conducted on efforts to establish personal branding content creator Jenda Munthe. From the results of the analysis conducted using eight personal branding concepts from Montoya & Vendehey (2002) in this study, proves that Jenda Munthe has succeeded in building his personal branding well, fulfilling the eight concepts. Of the eight concepts, Jenda Munthe's personal branding is most strongly supported by the concept of The law of specialization, The law of unity, The law of persistence and The law of goodwill. These four concepts make Jenda Munthe's personal branding through the content of #tanyajawabJenda, known as an angry content creator with a regional Batak accent, easily accepted by Instagram social media users. Jenda Munthe's personal branding through his Instagram content has finally opened up new career opportunities for Jenda Munthe as a content creator who previously worked as a Criminology Journalist. The phenomenon that occurred in Jenda Munthe provides a reality finding that to become a content creator, a personal branding concept is needed through content on a media, such as Instagram social media. This research uses qualitative research methods, with the type of case study research and qualitative descriptive research type.

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