
This article aims to examine the beauty of the values still adhered to in Japanese society as traceable in creative works based on the experiences and observations of Malay writers. Values such as beauty, silence, refinement, internal strength and civilized living have been adapted from the ontological transformations and pathetic beauty inherited from the glory days of Matsuo Basho (1644- 1694) and Yasunari Kawabata (1899-1972). This study draws on the cultural studies theory of Chris Barker. The discussion is centred on the experiences of several Malay writers who have fictionalized their experiences of life in Japan. Muhammad Haji Salleh follows Basho’s footsteps and is inspired by a love for nature and the soul and character of the Japanese, as recorded in his poems in the anthology Salju Shibuya ( The Snows of Shibuya ), while Arena Wati delves into the national pride and social history of the Japanese and Malays in his novel Sakura Mengorak Kelopak ( The Sakura Sheds its Petals ), and Abu Yazid Abidin shares the ups and downs of immigrant Malays in Japan in his own novel, Sejuk-sejuk Tokyo ( Frosty Tokyo ). Keywords: Japanese culture, modern Malay Literature, Malay writers, experience, observation Abstrak Makalah ini bertujuan untuk melihat keindahan nilai murni yang diamalkan oleh masyarakat Jepun sebagai gaya hidup yang dapat dikesan menerusi karya kreatif hasil pengamatan dan pengalaman pengarang Melayu. Nilai keindahan, kesunyian, kehalusan, semangat dalaman, kesantunan gaya hidup yang diamalkan merupakan adaptasi daripada unsur transformasi ontologikal dan keindahan patetik yang diwarisi sejak zaman keagungan Matsuo Basho (1644-1694) dan Yasunari Kawabata (1899-1972). Penelitian ini disandarkan pada teori kajian budaya yang disarankan oleh Chris Barker. Perbincangan bertunjangkan pengalaman yang pernah dilalui oleh beberapa orang pengarang Melayu yang pernah mengilhamkan pengalaman hidup mereka sewaktu berada di Jepun. Muhammad Haji Salleh mengilhami rasa percintaan alam, jiwa dan budi bangsa Jepun dengan mengikut langkah Basho menerusi puisinya dalam antologi Salju Shibuya , Arena Wati menyelami maruah bangsa, sejarah sosial bangsa Jepun dan Melayu dalam novel Sakura Mengorak Kelopak , dan Abu Yazid Abidin berkongsi rencah hidup orang Melayu di perantauan daerah Jepun dalam Sejuk-sejuk Tokyo . Kata kunci: budaya Jepun, sastera Melayu moden, pengarang Melayu, pengalaman, pengamatan

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