
List of Tables Acknowledgements A Note on Names and Transcription Introduction To Restore and Reconstruct Yoshida Shigeru, Ashida Hitoshi, Katayama Tetsu The Prewar Leftover with a Postwar Mission Hatoyama Ichir e Failure of Brilliance Kishi Nobusuke The International Cold Warrior Ikeda Hayato The Cautious and Discreet Prime Minister Sat saku The Computerised Bulldozer on the International Stage Tanaka Kakuei A Liberal Turning Realist Miki Takeo A Visionary Arch-conservative Fukuda Takeo Turning the Tide Ohira Masayoshi The Harmony Man on the Slippery Slope Suzuki Zenk e Symbolic Statesman Nakasone Yasuhiro A Local Politician on the Global Stage Takeshita Noboru Hope and Uncertainty Kaifu Toshiki Full Circle Miyazawa Kiichi Japan's Evolving Foreign Policy Doctrine Footnotes Bibliography Index

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