
Janus solutions are constructed in d = 3, mathcal{N} = 8 gauged supergravity. We find explicit half-BPS solutions where two scalars in the SO(1, 8)/SO(8) coset have a nontrivial profile. These solutions correspond on the CFT side to an interface with a position-dependent expectation value for a relevant operator and a source which jumps across the interface for a marginal operator.


  • These solutions correspond on the CFT side to an interface with a positiondependent expectation value for a relevant operator and a source which jumps across the interface for a marginal operator

  • The second scalar is dual to a relevant operator with dimension ∆ = 1 with a vanishing source term and a position-dependent expectation value

  • We have presented Janus solutions for d = 3, N = 8 gauged supergravity

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Half-BPS Janus solutions

We construct Janus solutions which preserve eight of the sixteen supersymmetries of the AdS3 vacuum. The operator iMABγ2 in the projector (3.8) squares to one and is traceless, and projects onto an eight-dimensional space of unbroken supersymmetry generators If this is the only projection imposed on the solution, it will be half-BPS and preserve eight of the sixteen supersymmetries of the vacuum. The condition M 2 = 1 gives an equation first-order in derivatives of scalars For this to be proportional to the identity, we need all ΓıΓi and ΓiΓj terms to vanish. Since we demand that the BμM only has a component along the u direction and only depends on u, the field strength vanishes, consistent with the equation of motion coming from the variation of the Chern-Simons term in the action (2.11) with respect to the gauge field.

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Scalar asymptotics
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