
Ministry of love ( caritas ) is especially pressing today when the culture of death attacks the culture of live so aggressively that it often seems to dominate. I set you […] the example for you to follow (J 13:15). These are the words which determine the ever topical challenge for the whole Church community – an appeal to give a testimony of saving love which brings freedom. This testimony of love, unity and community is what the world needs today, so that people could see our acts of charity and praise the Father who is in heaven (cf. Mt 5:16). Every Christian makes a contribution to this community of his talents depending on his vocation and role which is supposed to fulfill. Unity in plurality and sanctity are Church’s great wealth ensuring its permanent and dynamic development. The Church is universal and its saving mission contains a feature of universality and that is why evangelization is a global and dynamic activity which comprises all Christians participating in prophetic, pastoral and royal mission of Christ. Its constant elements are preaching Good News, celebration of liturgy and service of love. Evangelization is a profoundly ecclesiastical act and therefore requires the involvement of all workers of Gospel – everyone in accordance with his appropriate character and service.

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