
e23181 Background: Lung cancer ranks as the first most common cancer and the first leading cause of cancer-related death in China and worldwide. Due to the difficulty in early diagnosis and the onset of cancer metastasis, the 5-year survival rate of lung cancer remains extremely low. JAK2 has emerged as pivotal participant in biological processes, often dysregulated in a range of cancers, including lung cancer. Recently we found that JAK2 might play an important role in lung cancer pathogenesis as an oncogene. While our understanding of JAK2 in the onset and progression of lung cancer is still in its infancy, there is no doubt that understanding the activities of JAK2 will certainly secure strong biomarkers and improve treatment options for lung cancer patients. Methods: The expression level of JAK2 mRNA was assayed using RT-PCR. JAK2 mutations and amplification were detected using next-generation sequencing (NGS). MTT assay, Transwell migration and invasion assay were conducted to study the proliferation, migration and invasion abilities of lung adenocarcinoma cells independently. The shRNA and overexpression plasmids of JAK2 were conducted. Results: JAK2 is up-regulated in lung adenocarcinoma tissues when compared with their adjacent non-tumor tissues, and was associated with lymph node metastasis ( p< 0.05). JAK2 V617F and N30S mutations and JAK2 amplification were detected by NGS in lung adenocarcinoma patient samples. Downregulation of JAK2 inhibits the proliferation, migration and invasion abilities of lung cancer cells. Moreover, overexpression of JAK2 induced the proliferation, migration and invasion abilities of lung cancer cells. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that JAK2, whose expression is up-regulated in lung adenocarcinoma, whose mutation and amplification were detected in lung adenocarcinoma, may participate in lung cancer progression by regulating cancer cells proliferation, migration and invasion.

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