
Introduction: 1/4th of all plant species in the world are at risk of being endangered or going extinct. The IUCN Red List is a critical indicator of the health of the world’s biodiversity. It provides information about range, population size, habitat and ecology, use or trade, threats, and conservation actions that will help inform necessary conservation decisions. Hence the study was conducted to explore the status of plants of Udyavara village in IUCN red list of endangered species. Method: The Plant identification was carried in certain areas of Udyavara village by survey method. Authentication done by referring standard flora and experienced taxonomist. The enlisted drugs were studied for its status in IUCN red list. Result: The endangered plant species were explored from 276 identified plants of Udyavara village. Among them 80 evaluated species were identified with its category of endangered red list. Conclusion: The plants encountered under endangered species available in Udyavara Village of Udupi District will guide the practitioner for its judicial use in medicine. Moreover, the conservation of such plant species is possible by further cultivation of the same.

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