
Most companies in the implementation of social responsibility using a number of the company's budget for pro-social activities and philanthropy. Cited from some previous research that factors are more expressed in CSRD (Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure) is human resources and community involvement while Environmental disclosure still require more attention. Not concern in environmental issues will threat the sustainability of the environmental and community life itself. Some economists realized that the quality of the environment has an inverse relationship (trade-off), which means that efforts to accelerate economic growth will be followed by the environmental damage due to the depletion of natural resources and environmental degradation. The level of public awareness and businesses respond to the needs of nature conservation with an efficient use of resources is still very varied across the country. It is believed to be due to differences in the level of competitiveness across countries. The level of competitiveness is associated with innovation, skills (Fagerberg, 1996) and technology (Eisdofer and Hsu, 2011). Developed countries have a higher level of competitiveness compared with developing countries and some research suggests the implementation of CSR in developed countries is better when compared to developing countries. Companies are operating in the hightech industry has the opportunity to become the market leader, but this does not guarantee a high quality of CSR activities in that countries. To date, there has not been much research on measuring the quality of CSR. This study offers a measurement of the National CSR Index Quality for mining and metal sector. Researchers considered that the measure of quality for each business sector is not the same. This study uses content analysis of the aspects listed companies based on the quality criteria set out in this study.

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