
Anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria thrive under diverse habitats utilising an extended range of inorganic/organic compounds under different growth modes. Although they display incredible metabolic flexibility, their responses and adaptations to changing carbon regimes is largely unexplored. In the present study, we employed iTRAQ-based global proteomic profiling and physiological studies to uncover the adaptive strategies of a phototrophic bacterium, Rubrivivax benzoatilyticus JA2 to glucose. Strain JA2 displayed altered growth rates, reduced cell size and progressive loss of pigmentation when grown on glucose compared to malate under photoheterotrophic condition. A ten-fold increase in the saturated to unsaturated fatty acid ratio of glucose-grown cells indicates a possible membrane adaptation. Proteomic profiling revealed extensive metabolic remodelling in the glucose-grown cells wherein signal-transduction, selective-transcription, DNA-repair, transport and protein quality control processes were up-regulated to cope with the changing milieu. Proteins involved in DNA replication, translation, electron-transport, photosynthetic machinery were down-regulated possibly to conserve the energy. Glycolysis/gluconeogenesis, TCA cycle and pigment biosynthesis were also down-regulated. The cell has activated alternative energy metabolic pathways viz., fatty acid β-oxidation, glyoxylate, acetate-switch and Entner-Doudoroff pathways. Overall, the present study deciphered the molecular/metabolic events associated with glucose-grown cells of strain JA2 and also unraveled how a carbon source modulates the metabolic phenotypes. SignificanceAnoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria (APB) exhibit incredible metabolic flexibility leading to diverse phenotypes. They thrive under diverse habitat using an array of inorganic/organic compounds as carbon sources, yet their metabolic adaptation to varying carbon regime is mostly unexplored. Present study uncovered the proteomic insights of the cellular responses of strain JA2 to changing carbon sources viz. malate and glucose under photoheterotrophic conditions. Our study suggests that carbon source can also determine the metabolic fate of the cells and reshape the energy dynamics of APB. Here, for the first time study highlighted the plausible carbon source (glucose) mediated regulation of photosynthesis in APB. The study sheds light on the plausible cellular events and adaptive metabolic strategies employed by strain JA2 in presence of non-preferred carbon source. It also revealed new insights into the metabolic plasticity of APB to the changing milieu.

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