
The aim of this paper is to generalize the results of Yamada et al. [Yamada, I., Ogura, N., Yamashita, Y., Sakaniwa, K. (1998). Quadratic approximation of fixed points of nonexpansive mappings in Hilbert spaces. Numer. Funct. Anal. Optimiz. 19(1):165–190], and to provide complementary results to those of Deutsch and Yamada [Deutsch, F., Yamada, I. (1998). Minimizing certain convex functions over the intersection of the fixed point sets of nonexpansive mappings. Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 19(1&2):33–56] in which they consider the minimization of some function θ over a closed convex set F, the nonempty intersection of N fixed point sets. We start by considering a quadratic function θ and providing a relaxation of conditions of Theorem 1 of Yamada et al. (1998) to obtain a sequence of fixed points of certain contraction maps, converging to the unique minimizer of θover F. We then extend Theorem 2 and obtain a complementary result to Theorem 3 of Yamada et al. (1998) by replacing the condition on the parameters by the more general condition lim n→∞λ n /λ n+N = 1. We next look at minimizing a more general function θ than a quadratic function which was proposed by Deutsch and Yamada (1998) and show that the sequence of fixed points of certain maps converge to the unique minimizer of θ over F. Finally, we prove a complementary result to that of Deutsch and Yamada (1998) by using the alternate condition on the parameters.

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