
State territory — Effects of change of sovereignty — Cession — Property of ceding State — Distinction between public and private State property — Relevance of “special provisions” regarding private State property — Treaty of Peace with Italy, 1947, Article 23 and Annex XIV — Scope of renunciation by Italy in Article 23 — United Nations General Assembly Resolution 388 (V) of December 15, 1950.Treaties — Conception and function of treaties — Pactum de contrahendo — Treaty containing requirement of further “special agreement” — Effect of action taken in absence of special agreement — Whether valid — General Assembly Resolution 388 (V).International organization — The United Nations — General Assembly — Resolutions of — Interpretation of — Relevance of statements made by representatives in ad-hoc Political Committee — Resolution 388 (V) of December 15, 1950.State territory — Effects of change of sovereignty — Cession — Property of ceding State — Distinction between public and private State property — Relevance of “special provisions” regarding private State property — Treaty of Peace with Italy, 1947, Article 23 and Annex XIV — Scope of renunciation by Italy in Article 23 — United Nations General Assembly Resolution 388 (V) of December 15, 1950, on “Economic and Financial Provisions Relating to Libya” — Interpretation of.

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