
The scope of personality and expertise of Konstantin Ivanovich Abramov, outstanding Russian library scientist, promoter of higher library and information education, Doctor of Science in pedagogy, professor, RSFSR Honored Worker of Science, library science chair head (1960—1998) is emphasized, Konstantin I. Abramov’s contribution to the library science and practice, training library professionals at Moscow State Institute of Culture is characterized. Abramov supported the concept of combining sustainable general library disciplines with new dynamic modules in higher library education which contributes to competitiveness and career building capabilities of the graduates. In his lectures and publications, Abramov substantiated the priority of studying libraries as a social institutions. Abramov also contributed to promising library theoretical studies and applied research, and influenced professional career of his colleagues and school of thought. Being Abramov’s disciple, the author emphasizes Abramov’s impact on his own professional career and studies.


  • The scope of personality and expertise of Konstantin Ivanovich Abramov, outstanding Russian library scientist, promoter of higher library and information education, Doctor of Science in pedagogy, professor, RSFSR Honored Worker of Science, library science chair head (1960—1998) is emphasized, Konstantin I

  • Abramov supported the concept of combining sustainable general library disciplines with new dynamic modules in higher library education which contributes to competitiveness and career building capabilities of the graduates

  • Abramov contributed to promising library theoretical studies and applied research, and influenced professional career of his colleagues and school of thought

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The scope of personality and expertise of Konstantin Ivanovich Abramov, outstanding Russian library scientist, promoter of higher library and information education, Doctor of Science in pedagogy, professor, RSFSR Honored Worker of Science, library science chair head (1960—1998) is emphasized, Konstantin I. Аннотация: Представлена масштабность личности и профессиональной деятельности выдающегося отечественного библиотековеда и организатора высшего библиотечно-информационного образования в нашей стране, доктора педагогических наук, профессора, заслуженного деятеля науки РСФСР, заведующего кафедрой библиотековедения Московского государственного института культуры (с 1960 по 1998 г.) Константина Ивановича Абрамова, участника Великой Отечественной войны. И. Абрамова в отраслевую науку и практику подготовки библиотечных специалистов высшей квалификации, реализованную в Московском государственном институте культуры, где он активно выступал за сочетание в подготовке специалистов высшей квалификации стабильных базовых библиотековедческих дисциплин и новых динамичных модулей, обеспечивающих конкурентоспособность выпускников и их деловую самореализацию.

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