Abstract 논문투고일:2012년 04월 26일 논문수정완료일:2012년 06월 12일 논문게재확정일:2012년 06월 20일*본 연구는 2012년 국민대학교 교내연구비의 일부 지원으로 수행되었음.본 연구는 국가정보화전략위원회의 일부 지원으로 수행되었음.** 국민대학교 경영대학 경영학부 교수The purpose of this research is to find a better win-win growth strategy of Large and mid-sized IT service enterprises. Efficient win-win growth for large and mid-sized enterprises is essential for acquiring a solid global competitiveness in IT service industry. However, previous studies lack generali zed and detailed findings, and therefore past strategies were based on fragmented analysis. To develop an efficient win- win growth for Large and mid-sized enterprises, global benchmarking and an in-depth analysis on deep-rooted problems i n IT service industry has been conducted. Past and present policies on IT service industry have been reviewed base d on desirable co-growth structure. Based on research, current policies are unable to support co-growth, and collabora tive efforts between Large and mid-sized enterprises as well as square deals are necessary for win-win growth. A new policy paradigm has been derived and a roadmap for efficient co-growth strategy has been suggested. The result s of this research can be used for building a better IT service industry polices. In future studies, a longitudinal analysis on the proposed co-growth strategy can be conducted.
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