
This article is devoted to the study of the historical prerequisites for the emergence of such a specific direction of mass physical culture as the self-Olympic movement in Ukraine, in particular, in Kiev, Lvov and Kharkov regions. Based on the results of the analysis of scientific literature, as well as the application of the historical review method, we came to the conclusion that in certain regions of Ukraine in the course of the historical process natural preconditions matured, contributing to the emergence and development of such a specific type of mass physical culture, such as the self-Olympic movement. As a result of studying statistical data accumulated over many years, it was found that in some regions of Ukraine there is a tendency to a gradual increase in the number of children suffering from certain chronic diseases or having certain deviations in their state of health. The use of standard physical training programs for such children is not advisable, since the development of these programs was carried out taking into account the capabilities of healthy children and their use for children with pathological changes in the body can contribute to the progression of their diseases, and in some cases lead to serious complications up to lethal outcome. Thus, it became obvious the need for scientific substantiation, development and use of special physical training programs for children with deviations in health status, aimed at achieving harmonious physical development of sick children, despite the presence of pathological changes in their body. One of the ways to solve this urgent problem was the birth of the so-called self-Olympic movement. The essence of this movement was that in conditions of special centers for self-Olympic education, organized on the basis of medical universities and universities of physical education and sport, medical specialists, as well as physical training instructors systematically conducted with sick children, during who used special complexes of physical exercises. These exercises were designed in such a way as not to aggravate the condition of the sick child and not to increase the risk of complications of the disease, but to help him achieve a state of harmonious physical development, despite the presence of pathological abnormalities in the body. During these activities, each child seeks to achieve the best indicators of their physical development. He seems to be competing not with other athletes, but with his own organism, trying to set his personal records in the fight against the disease. Therefore, this type of activity was called the self-Olympic movement.

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