
In a modern city, the role of interaction between local governments and the population is increasing. The author considers in detail territorial public self-government (CBT) as an important form of public participation in solving issues of local importance, in particular, landscaping. With the right organization, this institute has a huge potential for involving residents in solving issues of local importance, in particular in the field of urban improvement. The prospects for the development of this institution largely depend on the awareness and involvement of the population in this form of self-government. The low level of public awareness is considered as a factor constraining the development of territorial public self-government. The article presents the results of a survey of residents of the city of Tyumen, which demonstrate a low level of awareness of the population about the activities of CBT. These studies confirmed the need to increase the level of knowledge about the role and tools of CBT among citizens. As a solution to the problem of the existing imbalance between the high potential of CBT and the low level of awareness of the population about its work, the author suggests a number of measures, such as the creation of specialized Internet portals, communities in social networks; the use of social advertising in the media and city events to popularize the activities of CBT. The information base will create an infrastructure for realizing the potential of CBT, will make it possible to identify and implement socially significant initiatives of citizens.

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