
The purpose of the article is to reveal peculiarities of professional missions of journalists working in times of armed conflictand in border zones and to develop guidance on the risk measures. We have presented characteristics of professional activity of journalists during modern wars, in particular during the war unleashed by Azerbaijan against Artsakh and Armenia in September 2020, as well as changes in the requirements for journalists compared to April 2016. Steps and measures have been developed to mitigate and minimize risks for journalists working in areas of armed conflict and in border zones are based on the analysis of professional practice and experience of media professionals working in wartime.
 The article refers to the importance of information immunity of countries in times of external aggression under conditions of hybrid warfare, one of the main components of which is the responsibility of the media and their coordinated activity with the reliable and relevant bodies of political power.
 The second important factor is public trust in government, including the 4th branch of government the lack of which can lead to search for other sources of information, thereby creating a real danger of being caught up in the clutches of enemy propaganda.

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