
Numerical computations of ionization efficiency and isotope selectivity of 176 L u have been carried out for the following three-step ladder type photoionization scheme, 5 d 6 s 2 2 D 3 / 2 ( 0.0 c m − 1 ) − − − ⟶ 540.4068 n m ⁡ 5 d 6 s 6 p 4 F 5 / 2 o ( 18504.58 c m − 1 ) − − − ⟶ 535.0626 n m 5 d 6 s 7 s 4 D 3 / 2 ( 37193.98 c m − 1 ) − − − ⟶ 618.0061 n m 53375 c m − 1 A u t o i o n i z a t i o n S t a t e → L u + , by invoking the density matrix formalism for the laser–atom interactions. Equations of motion have been derived for the odd isotopes by inclusion of hyperfine levels. The line shapes and their effect on the ionization efficiency and isotope selectivity have been discussed in detail. The effects of power of excitation and ionization lasers, spectral bandwidths, pulse delays, Doppler broadening of the atomic ensemble on the ionization efficiency, and degree of enrichment have been presented. Optimum conditions for the power of excitation, detunings, and other system parameters for the selective yet efficient photoionization of 176 L u have been identified.

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