
Smooth muscle relaxation has most often been studied in isometric mode. However, this only tells us about the stiffness properties of the bronchial wall and thus only about wall capacitative properties. It tells us little about airflow. To study the latter, which of course is the meaningful parameter in regulation of ventilation and in asthma, we studied isotonic shortening of bronchial smooth muscle (BSM) strips. Failure of BSM to relax could be another important factor in maintaining high airway resistance. To analyze relaxation curves, we developed an index of isotonic relaxation, t1/2(P, lCE), which is the half-time for relaxation that is independent of muscle load (P) and of initial contractile element length (lCE). This index was measured in curves of relaxation initiated at 2 s (normally cycling crossbridges) and at 10 s (latch-bridges). At 10 s no difference was seen for adjusted t1/2(P, lCE) between curves obtained from control and sensitized BSM, (8.38 +/- 0.92 s vs. 7.78 +/- 0.93 s, respectively). At 2 s the half-time was almost doubled in the sensitized BSM (6.98 +/- 0.01 s (control) vs. 12.74 +/- 2.5 s (sensitized)). Thus, changes in isotonic relaxation are only seen during early contraction. Using zero load clamps, we monitored the time course of velocity during relaxation and noted that it varied according to 3 phases. The first phase (phase i) immediately followed cessation of electrical field stimulation (EFS) at 10 s and showed almost the same velocity as during the latter 1/3 of shortening; the second phase (phase ii) was linear in shape and is associated with zero load velocity, we speculate it could stem from elastic recoil of the cells' internal resistor; and the third phase (phase iii) was convex downwards. The zero load velocities in phase iii showed a surprising spontaneous increase suggesting reactivation of the muscle. Measurements of intracellular calcium (Fura-2 study) and of phosphorylation of the 20 kDa myosin light chain showed simultaneous increments, indicating phase iii represented an active process. Studies are under way to determine what changes occur in these 3 phases in a sensitized muscle. And of course, in the context of this conference, just what role the plastic properties of the muscle play in relaxation requires serious consideration.

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