
Let (mathcal C_E, cdot_mathcal C_E) be a Banach symmetric ideal of compact operators, acting in a complex separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space mathcal H. Let mathcal C_Ehxin mathcal C_E : xx be the real Banach subspace of self-adjoint operators in (mathcal C_E, cdot_mathcal C_E). We show that in the case when (mathcal C_E, cdot_mathcal C_E) is a separable or perfect Banach symmetric ideal (mathcal C_E eq mathcal C_2) any skew-Hermitian operator H: mathcal C_Ehto mathcal C_Eh has the following form H(x)i(xa - ax) for same aain mathcal B(mathcal H) and for all xin mathcal C_Eh. Using this description of skew-Hermitian operators, we obtain the following general form of surjective linear isometries V:mathcal C_Eh to mathcal C_Eh. Let (mathcal C_E, cdot_mathcal C_E) be a separable or a perfect Banach symmetric ideal with not uniform norm, that is p_mathcal C_E 1 for any finite dimensional projection p inmathcal C_E with dim p(mathcal H)1, let mathcal C_E eq mathcal C_2, and let V: mathcal C_Eh to mathcal C_Eh be a surjective linear isometry. Then there exists unitary or anti-unitary operator u on mathcal H such that V(x)uxu orV(x)-uxu for all x in mathcal C_Eh.

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