
One trial was conducted to study the microbial load or the microbiological composition of litter (red wood shavings and Rice crust), prior to placing 1-d-old chicks, and after depopulation, the microbiological composition were as following Bacillus, Staph., Strept., Salmonella, G+ rods, Enterococcus, Clostridium, E. coli, Lactobacillus ,Coliform, the total aerobic plate count (APC) was determined and the predominant microflora of the samples was identified as possible. Before chick placement, the APC of wood shavings (about 1.02 log10/g) was lower than the APC of Rice crust (about log10 1.47/g) of G+),with stocking, in both types of litter the bact. contamination increased to about (5.68 log10 of G+) and(6.76 log10 /g of G+),respectively, no isolation of any G- bacteria before chicks placing from red wood shaving, while the count of G- bacteria was equal to log10 0.69/g in the ice crust litter, and(about log10 4.02 of G- and 4.95 log10 /g of G-), before and after depopulation, respectively with significant differences between two kinds of litter also before placing chicks and after depopulation.

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