
This is the first study in Iraq aimed to isolate and identify of Clostridium bacteria from the abomasal lesions of sheep. One hundred abomasal samples collected from slaughtered sheep in slaughterhouse of Al-Qasim city, Babylon governorate in Iraq. abomasal lesions was detected, swabs taken from lesions for bacterial isolation. Nodules, ulcers and hemorrhage lesions were found in abomasa exam as well as parasites .Direct smear from ulcers showed presence of large gram positive bacilli in large numbers and nodules have been given the higher percentage of bacterial isolation more than from ulcers. Fourteen isolates (14%) was C. perferengens as six isolates from ulcer ( 42.8%) and eight isolates from nodules (57.14%),while C.sordelli only four isolates were found in ulcers at 4%. In this study concluded that Clostridium spp. which considered the primary causes of abomasal lesions.

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