
Using differential display we isolated five ethylene-responsive cDNAs from Rosa hybrida L. and identified for the first time an ethylene-induced cDNA homologous to a laccase gene. Three cDNAs were isolated from petioles and two cDNAs from pedicels. Expression levels of all cDNAs in pedicels were higher than in petioles. The laccase homolog cDNA was termed the RhLAC (Rosa hybrida Laccase) gene. The RhLAC gene encodes for a putative protein of 573 amino acids containing three conserved domains characteristic of the multicopper oxidase family. Southern blot hybridization analyses indicated that there are multiple copies of the RhLAC gene in the Rosa species. Comparison of the relative expression of isolated RhLAC in various organs showed that it was highly induced in the leaf abscission zone of petioles and the bud abscission zone of floral bud pedicels, whereas it was low in both leaf blades and petioles. These results suggest that RhLAC may play an important role in senescence and abscission in roses.

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