
The slaughterhouse wastewater is rich of oil and fat and it may inhabit by biosurfactant producing bacteria. Isolation of the bacteria is needed in order to find out a biosurfactant producing bacteria that can be used to maintain the oil and fat polluted area through bioremediation process. To isolate and identify the biosurfactant-producing bacteria, a study has been conducted on July to September 2020. The samples were obtained from slaughterhouse wastewater at Cipta Karya street Pekanbaru, Riau Province and samplings were conducted three times. The isolation was conducted by TSB (Tryptic Soy Broth) and incubated for 24 hours. Then the bacterial samples were planted by TSA (Tryptic Soy Agar) and isolated for 24 hours. Then, it was identified using biochemical and morphological tests were carried out to find out the types of bacteria. The Emulsification Index was then calculated by using TSB (Tryptic Soy Broth) and kerosene. Results shown that the emulsification index were Flavobacterium 53%, Agrobacterium 53%, Serratia 60%, Salmonella 52. 5%, Salmonella 52.4%, Proteus 65.7%, Clostridium 62% and Aeromonas 59.5%. As Proteus is shown the highest Emulsification Index, it was check using a PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) and it is proved that the species is Proteus vulgaris


  • The slaughterhouse wastewater is rich of oil and fat

  • it may inhabit by biosurfactant producing bacteria

  • Isolation of the bacteria is needed in order to find out a biosurfactant producing bacteria

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Jumlah Bakteri Biosurfaktan Asal Limbah RPH Setelah dilakukan isolasi 1x24 jam, maka pertumbuhan koloni bakteri mulai terlihat dengan baik. Koloni bakteri dihitung dengan metode hitungan cawan. Prinsip metode perhitungan cawan adalah jika sel mikroba yang masih hidup ditumbuhkan pada medium agar, maka sel mikroba tersebut akan berkembang biak dan membentuk koloni yang dapat dilihat langsung dengan mata tanpa menggunakan mikroskop. Jumlah bakteri dapat dilihat pada Tabel 3. Kualitas Air penelitian yang telah dilakukan, parameter kualitas lingkungan yang di ukur di kolam pembuangan limbah RPH adalah derajat keasaman (pH), suhu serta pengukuran minyak dan lemak yang dilakukan di Laboratorium. Tujuan dari pengukuran kualitas air RPH adalah untuk mengetahui keadaan tingkat keasaman air dan suhu air limbah RPH Pengukuran kualitas lingkungan RPH dilakukan sebanyak 3 kali ulangan. Hasil Pengukuran kualitas air selama penilitian dapat dilihat pada Tabel 4

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