
This work deals with the preparation of orthocortical and paracortical cells by a new method and the protein-chemical characterization of keratin proteins extracted from them. The preparation method consists of three procedures, i.e., i) removal of the cuticle from wool fibers by shaking with glass fiber snippets in aqueous propanol, ii) disintegration of decuticled wool fibers by successive freezing in formic acid, and iii) separation of the disintegrated cortical cells into ortho- and paracortical cells by using a difference in density between the two cortical cells. The relative amounts of the low-sulfur (Low-S), high-sulfer (High-S) and high-glycine-tyrosine (High-GT) protein components were estimated from the gel filtration chromatograms in 8M urea solution. For this analysis, S-car boxy methylkerateines (SCMK) were prepared from the cortical cells isolated. It was confirmed that the paracortex is rich in High-S proteins, while the orthocortex in Low-S proteins.

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