
The famous Athenian orator and teacher of rhetoric Isocrates, synthetic reconciling two conflicting tendencies in rhetoric: the rhetorical and philosophical. One, led by Gorgias, Prodicus and sophists to spread the idea of general education in order to successfully deal with the affairs of state and another, led by Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, who believed that educational paradigm that takes no account of truth and virtue, but only the appealing words and the current success on the public stage, does not deserve any respect nor reverece. While the first Athenian democracy more responsive society, the second one advocated traditional values. These two currents in the understanding of education will be repeated often throughout history as a dilemma, and repeated today. Instead of teachers and students practice on trivial topics, Isocrates demanded retorical processing important and lofty themes and it is more appropriate art form. Thus began a new educational paradigm, the so-called Greek 'paideia', and one might say that her spiritual father was Isocrates.

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