
We advance anISO(3,1¦N) extended Poincare supergravity and anOSp(N¦4) de Sitter supergravity by using the supergauge action mechanisms of supergroups on the superspaces and by treating the gravitational parts of these two supergravities as the gauge theories of gravity, give a new matrix representation ofISO(3,1¦N) generators and a new one ofOSp(N¦4) ones, obtain the commutation and anticommutation relations ofiso(3, 1¦N) andosp(N¦4) superalgebras, construct the actions of these Supergravities and discuss some other problems. A particle multiplets method based on the supersymmetry transformation is used and the probable numbers of particles of different helicities in the two supergravities are given.

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