
I am a young nurse, twenty-four years old this year. After returning from the army, when all the other girls around me were asking friends and family to help them find a relationship, anxiously seeking a suitable match, my own love was directed toward a demobilized soldier friend. He had been demobilized to a peasant village in the countryside where he became assistant secretary of the Party branch organization. That was just shortly after the convening of the Fourth National Peoples Congress. Encouraged by the great blueprint of Premier Zhou for the realization of the four modernizations and confronting the destructive oppression perpetrated by the Gang of Four, he led the commune members to push as hard as possible toward socialism. For the results he achieved in this he was several times designated as a model worker and was consistently given an excellent evaluation by both the higher levels of the Party and by the commune masses. From both our mutual understanding as friends in the army and from h...

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