
The present study discussed the feelings and sentiments that unquestionably exist in Western media particularly in U.S films against Islam and Muslims after Sep 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the United States, and the reaction to them increased the hater against Muslims. Specifically, the assumption that Islam is characteristically fierce or that Muslims have a reopensity for psychological warfare. Since 9/11, explicit people have transformed Islamophobia into an industry. In this study, content analysis of some commercially successful U.S films is being provided that has perpetuated popularized Islamophobia. Specifically, Hollywood films i.e. American Sniper, The Hurt Locker, and The Dictator have been examined. Although the researcher’s analysis fundamentally talks about these movies inside the setting of twenty-first century Islamophobia, Additionally, it will also elaborate how relentless negative stereotypes are being drawn from decades against Muslims by the West with the help of media.

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