
I. Introductory RemarksOne of the bounties bestowed on Muslims by Allah (SWT) is the Shari'ah:the Divine guidance and code of conduct, necessary to achieve success inthis world and the world hereafter. For the colonists who subjugated Muslimlands it appeared necessary therefore to first deprive Muslims of their sourceof sustenance and symbol of identity. The first target of their attack was theShari'ah; every aspect of which was ridiculed, belittled or truncated. It isdifficult to improve upon Isma’il Raji al Faruqi‘s graphic description of thisonslaught. He who wrote:By the colonialists directly, or by their native stooges, everythingIslamic fell under attack. The integrity of the Qur’Gnic text, thegenuineness of the Prophet (SAAS), the veracity of his Sunnah,the perfection of the Sharibh the glories of Muslim achievementsin culture and civilization - none of them was spared. The purposewas to inject doubt in the Muslim’s confidence in himself . . .to subvert his Islamic personality . . . lacking the spiritual staminanecessary for resistance . . . the Muslim was turned into somethingneither Islamic nor Western, a cultural monstrosity of modemtimes ...

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