
This article explores and analyzes Islamic principles that govern conflict management within the Islamic human resource management (HRM) context and provides new insight into the theoretical development of conflict management from an Islamic HRM perspective. Current models are analyzed through Islamic principles and integrated into a comprehensive Islamic framework that can function as a guide for HRM toward developing a proactive nonlinear conflict management strategy. This study shifts the dialogue of Islamic conflict management from intervention to organizational culture. The premise of this study is to develop a model for HRM practitioners among a Muslim workforce. The proposed model suggests that conflict is referred back to Quran and Sunnah, the two primary sources of Islam. Islam mandates selection of Shura (council) and appointment of a Muslih (mediator) whose function is (1) al-tathabbut (verification) and (2) nasīhah (advice). HRM must consider proactive organizational traits based on Islamic principles: (1) ta’awun (cooperation), (2) sabr (patience), (3) al-ta’akhi (brotherhood), and (4) husn al-dhann (good assumptions).

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