
<p>In the globalization era, people are increasingly competitive and increasing their ability to become productive human beings. Human development is the main thing in doing change and progress in life. In the discussion Human development in the era of globalization which is a world program through the unity of nations is inseparable from the study of Islam. So that Islam as a religion can enter to become a very important discussion in development issues of course. National development becomes the main task of the government from the regional level to the province, thus providing human resources as a form of mover and its managers. Policies on human resource development always experience dynamics and perkembangnnya in terms of sociology, anthropology and culture. Islam as the majority religion in Indonesia becomes a determinant and has a major influence on development issues nationally. Islam and human development in the era of globalization becomes the most important thing to build Indonesia into a culture, character and progress. Thus the development process becomes the main part to reconstruct the infrastructure, human, network and every aspect. Construction in religious thought that is the study of Islamic thought in the development process becomes the goal for tercipatanya development in the era of globalization. It is also a form of advancing the society and mindset of a digitally literate man and aware of science, technology, development and life in the era of globalization in the form of international relations.</p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Construction Of Islamic, Human Development</em><strong></strong></p>


  • In the globalization era, people are increasingly competitive and increasing their ability to become productive human beings

  • Human development is the main thing in doing change and progress in life

  • In the discussion Human development in the era of globalization which is a world program through the unity of nations is inseparable from the study of Islam

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Era globalisasi merupakan suatu akibat revolusi yang terjadi pada ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang tidak terbendung, sehingga menimbulkan dampak positif dan negatif di dalam masyarakat. Hal ini dapat diartikan bahwa pembangunan hendaknya berorientasi kepada keberagaman dalam seluruh aspek kehidupan. Dengan seperangkat organ tubuh yang diberikan oleh Allah swt kepada manusia, manusia mempunyai daya atau potensi (kekuatan) yang apabila dikembangkan akan menjadi sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, dan akan menjadikan manusia yang sadar akan tanggung jawabnya baik tanggung jawabnya sebagai hamba Allah swt dan sebagai khalifah Allah swt. Setidaknya terdapat beberapa ayat Al-Quran maupun hadists yang dapat menjadi rujukan pesan tentang semangat kerja keras dan kemandirian ini, seperti: Amal yang paling baik adalah pekerjaan yang dilakukan dengan cucuran keringatnya sendiri Untuk mencapai sumberdaya manusia berkualitas, usaha yang paling utama sebenarnya adalah memperbaiki potensi dari dalam manusia itu sendiri, hal ini dapat diambil contoh seperti kepatuhan masyarakat terhadap hukum ditentukan oleh aspek ruhaniyah ini

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