
Online shopping is an easy and comfortable way of shopping from a large range of products. There are innumerable advantages of online shopping. Customers can save a lot of time which they normally need to physically go to the retail shop and buy the products that customers want. We have set up a fully functional e-commerce website that has the capacity to be extended to a smarter model by incorporating data mining to understand customer buying habits and traits to predict future trends. We have utilized a free CMS system and developed the website using MYSQL database and PHP programming language. Firstly it is a free CMS system so others can use without paying. This smart shopping model is divided into 9 modules. The Registration Module which allows users and customers to register on the i-shop website in order to use it. The Products Browse and Products Search Module allow the customers easy access to search the website for their preferred products. The Shopping cart Module which has multiple currency capability to allow customers to use the website in their preferred currency. Also implemented is the Shipping & Billing Module which allows the vendor to control the amount of shipping charges. The Payment Module allows the customer many methods to make payments. The Admin User Management, Admin Catalog Management and Admin Order Management Module allow the admin of i-shop model to manage, control and monitor the overall website in a seamless manner. Finally this study attempts to examine how a smarter shopping model will influence consumers' online shopping attitude.

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