
Feather pecking is an abnormal behaviour where laying hens peck the feathers of conspecifics, damaging the plumage or even injuring the skin. If it occurs in a flock, more and more birds show it within a short period of time. A possible mechanism is social transmission. Several studies have shown that laying hen chicks, Gallus gallus domesticus, are able to modify their own behaviour when observing the behaviour of other chicks, for example, when feeding and foraging. As there is good experimental evidence that feather pecking originates from foraging behaviour, we hypothesized that feather pecking could also be socially transmitted. To test this, we reared 16 groups of 30 chicks. After week 4, the birds were regrouped into 16 groups of 20 chicks into each of which we introduced either five chicks that showed high frequencies of feather pecking or, as controls, five chicks that had not developed feather pecking. We then determined the feather-pecking rate and the frequency of foraging, dustbathing, feeding, drinking, preening, moving, standing and resting of all birds in a group. Data from the introduced birds were analysed separately and excluded from the group data. Chicks in groups with introduced feather-pecking chicks had a significantly higher feather-pecking rate than chicks in the control groups. In addition, birds in groups with introduced feather peckers showed significantly lower foraging frequencies than those in the control groups, although the housing conditions were identical and there were no differences in either the number or the quality of the stimuli relevant to foraging behaviour. The study therefore suggests that feather pecking is socially transmitted in groups of laying hen chicks.

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